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Interface to the measurement 3d view with methods for custom drawing.

import qtm

def draw_sphere():
    # Draw a red sphere located in (x=1000, y=500, z=750), with a diameter of 500 mm.
    position = [1000, 500, 750]
    diameter = 500
    color = qtm.utilities.color.rgb(0.855, 0.161, 0.11)
    qtm.gui._3d.draw_sphere(position, diameter, color)

def draw_arrow():
    # Draw a red arrow, with its base at (x=1000, y=-500, z=750), and points towards the sphere.
    starting_point = [1000, -500, 750]
    pointing_at = [1000, 150, 750]
    color = qtm.utilities.color.rgb(0.855, 0.161, 0.11)
    qtm.gui._3d.draw_arrow(starting_point, pointing_at, color)

def draw_axes():
    # Draw an axis in (x=-1000, y=-500, z=750) and 500 mm in size.
    translation_matrix = ([
            [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1000,0],
            [0.0, 1.0, 0.0,  -500.0],
            [0.0, 0.0, 1.0,   750.0],
            [0.0, 0.0, 0.0,     1.0]
    size = 500
    qtm.gui._3d.draw_axes(translation_matrix, size)

def draw_text_2d(measurement_time):
    # Draw the current frames measurement time in the middle of the 3D view.
    position = [0, 0]
    font_size = 24
    text_to_draw = '{:.2f}'.format(measurement_time)
    origin = {"horizontal": "center", "vertical": "center"}
    alignment = {"horizontal": "center", "vertical": "center"}
    color = qtm.utilities.color.rgb(0.855, 0.161, 0.11)
    qtm.gui._3d.draw_text_2d(position, font_size, text_to_draw, origin, alignment, color)

def draw_callback(measurement_time):

# - Set "draw_callback" as the draw function
function draw_sphere()
    -- Draw a red sphere located in (x=1000, y=500, z=750), with a diameter of 500 mm.
    position = {1000, 500, 750}
    diameter = 500
    color = qtm.utilities.color.rgb(0.855, 0.161, 0.11)
    qtm.gui._3d.draw_sphere(position, diameter, color)

function draw_arrow()
    -- Draw a red arrow, with its base at (x=1000, y=-500, z=750), and points towards the sphere.
    starting_point = {1000, -500, 750}
    pointing_at = {1000, 150, 750}
    color = qtm.utilities.color.rgb(0.855, 0.161, 0.11)
    qtm.gui._3d.draw_arrow(starting_point, pointing_at, color)

function draw_axes()
    -- Draw an axis in (x=-1000, y=-500, z=750) and 500 mm in size.
    translation_matrix = {
        {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1000.0},
        {0.0, 1.0, 0.0,  -500.0},
        {0.0, 0.0, 1.0,   750.0},
        {0.0, 0.0, 0.0,     1.0}
    qtm.gui._3d.draw_axes(translation_matrix, 500)

function draw_text_2d(measurement_time)
    -- Draw the current frames  measurement time in the middle of the 3D view.
    position = {0, 0}
    font_size = 24
    text_to_draw = string.format("%.2f", measurement_time)
    origin = {horizontal="center", vertical="center"}
    alignment = {horizontal="center", vertical="center"}
    color = qtm.utilities.color.rgb(0.855, 0.161, 0.11)
    qtm.gui._3d.draw_text_2d(position, font_size, text_to_draw, origin, alignment, color)

function draw_callback(measurement_time)

-- - Set "draw_callback" as the draw function


Draw a sphere.

This method may only be used in a draw callback function (see 'set_draw_function').


position vec3f
The position of the center of the sphere (in millimeters).

size float
The diameter of the sphere (in millimeters).

color integer?
The color of the sphere (in 0xbbggrr format, see 'qtm.utilities.color' module). If null, white (0xffffff) will be used.


Draw an arrow.

This method may only be used in a draw callback function (see 'set_draw_function').


position vec3f
The position of the tail of the arrow (in millimeters).

endpoint vec3f
The position of the head of the arrow (in millimeters).

color integer?
The color of the arrow (in 0xbbggrr format, see 'qtm.utilities.color' module). If null, white (0xffffff) will be used.


Draw coordinate system axes.

This method may only be used in a draw callback function (see 'set_draw_function').


transform mat4x4f
The transform of the axes (with translation in millimeters).

size float
The size of the axes (in millimeters).


Draw a mesh.

This method may only be used in a draw callback function (see 'set_draw_function').


transform mat4x4f
The transform of the mesh (with translation in millimeters).

scale float
The scale of the mesh (the units of the mesh is assumed to be in meters).

filename string
The filename of the mesh. Only .obj files are supported. The file must be located next to the measurement or in one of the project's meshes folders.


Draw 2d text.

This method may only be used in a draw callback function (see 'set_draw_function').


position vec2f
The position of the text (in pixels relative to the given origin, with positive axes pointing down-right).

size integer
The font size.

text string
The text.

origin {"horizontal": "left"|"center"|"right", "vertical": "top"|"center"|"bottom"}?
The origin of the text position (if null, top-left corner will be used).

alignment {"horizontal": "left"|"center"|"right", "vertical": "top"|"center"|"bottom"}?
The alignment of the text (if null, top-left alignment will be used).

color integer?
The color of the text (in 0xbbggrr format, see 'qtm.utilities.color' module). If null, white (0xffffff) will be used.


Set a draw callback function.


function function?
The function to invoke when the 3d view is redrawn (if null, custom drawing will be disabled). The function must have a single float parameter receiving the measurement time to be drawn (in seconds).


Get the documentation for a module or method.


method string?
The name of the method (if null, the documentation for the module will be returned instead).

